Engineering office

Introduction of Arman Gostar Trading Group’s Engineering office
In order to promote our client’s technical familiarity and quick responses to incoming request and also to author articles and following up moment by moment contacts to foreign companies which Arman Gostar is the exclusive agency of, a decision was made to establish an engineering office staffed with a professional and qualified crew with the management of Dr. Hashem Abhari, one of the experts and masters of tools and machinery production and Hard metal & PVD Coating and also an internarial clear-sighted in this field and relating subjects. Founding this institute was one the most prominent and paramount objects of Arman Gostar.
This institute have had enormous efforts to pen a series of articles in popular industry magazine “Cast Iron & Steel”, about introduction of tools and at times how they are built and in this way it has followed the purpose of introducing and familiarize clients and consumers with tools.
One of the other duties of this institute is to search and find reputable and reliable companies operating in tools and machinery production, choose the best of them and establish contacts, make a visit if necessary, or adding them to selection of consortium agencies if they are evaluated as highly reliable.Thus, each product that is tended to be presented by Arman Gostar, will be initially reviewed and experimented by our engineering team. If the product could pass the tests and the team made sure of the high quality of the product, it will obtain a license to be added to industry cart of consortium.
The office is a laboratory that constantly experiments the products of trading group and operates as a safety valve in the organization and acts as an industry detective who investigates the imported products to decide which should be included and which should not.
Furthermore, the office considers choosing the best customer, which factory or store or every company which needs Arman Gostar’s consortium product.
Presence of the office will provide a peace of mind for the customers to fully trust at Arman Gostar’s product. Dr. Hashem Abhari, the manager of the office and also the CEO of Arman Gostar’s consortium, is one the outstanding experts of Ministry of Commerce in confirming and internation purchasing in the 80s and 90s, and has taken part in most of the tooling courses in factories, laboratories and high rank universities of the world. He has been the sale and trade manager of Almaseh Saz co. for nearly 11 years, the senior manager and commercial manager and vice president of Iran Tools Production Factories (Taba) for 7 years. He has been also one the eminent international managers in Asia and Europe and permanent member of World Presidents Organization. Therefore, he always supports consumer and customer rights and carrying a great responsibility as an international manager for defending customer interests, has based the policy of the institute upon customer orientation and respect customer needs.
Arman Gostar always stand for customer interests

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